Alumni Events

Each year, Wolfson holds alumni events and reunions in the UK and around the world – opportunities to catch up with College friends, make new connections, and meet today’s students.

Wolfson College members at a dinner in Hall

Our major annual events include the Wolfson London Lecture each March, alumni reunion lecture and reception in September, and the Christmas Drinks in London each December. Alumni are also welcome to join the termly ‘Old Wolves’ lectures and lunches, and special lectures in College.

Each April, the Iffley Dinner celebrates the generosity of Wolfson’s biggest benefactors. At the annual Cherwell Society lunch each summer we welcome those who have kindly pledged to remember Wolfson in their will.

Alumni and their guests are welcome to visit Wolfson every day, 9am to 5pm. The Alumni and Development Team are always pleased to meet alumni visiting the College during office hours so please do call in. You can find us on the second floor of A Block, near the Upper Common Room.

Upcoming Alumni Events