
College members have an account with the College known as ‘Battels’ where personal costs incurred at Wolfson are added to a running total very much like a Bank account. Each month, Battels bills are emailed to each member which includes accommodation, food and other items which must be paid by the due date specified on the Battels statement.


Currently Battels can be paid using your own internet banking facilities, online through the Wolfson College Gateway, by Transfermate, by bank transfer, or can be automated via Direct Debit linked to your UK Bank account. Alternatively you can call in to the Accounts Office and pay in person using your Bank debit/credit card. On all payments that you make, it is very important that you quote your College member number and your surname as the reference so that we can identify your payment when it reaches our bank account and apply it to your Battels account. Please allow up to 5 working days for your payment to reach your Battels account. You are able to check the balance on your Battels account at anytime via the Wolfson gateway portal using your security single sign on (SSO).

Please note that:

It is a breach of College regulations to be in debt to the College, and any failure to pay bills on time can result in a disciplinary hearing with the Vicegerent, with the potential of being banned from the College.

A guide to topping up your Battels account is available here.


All accommodation is paid each month in advance. If you do not pay your accommodation bill by the due date, you will be issued with a notice to vacate the accommodation in accordance with the terms of your accommodation contract. You may prejudice your chances of obtaining accommodation again in the future, should you fall into arrears at any time.

Graduate Students

Students who are unable to meet the costs of being at the College will usually be advised to discuss the possibility of a suspension of status with their Department, with a view to returning at a later date once finances are back in order. Experience has shown that it is in the best interest of the student, to avoid debts building up, to explore this option as soon as they find themselves unable to meet their financial commitments. Please note that final decisions on applications for suspension of status are made by the relevant Department and/or Division, not the College.