Current Students
During your time at Wolfson there are a variety of people available to provide administrative support, advice related to your studies, and health and welfare support.
Academic Office & Student Administration
The Academic Office is responsible for all aspects of student administration handled by the College, starting with the admissions process, continuing through your course and finishing with your graduation ceremony.
The Academic Office team works in a hybrid format, though the office is normally staffed daily. Drop-in hours for quick requests or questions (e.g., collecting a University card, dropping something off) are 10.00-12.00 and 13.00-15.00 Monday-Friday, but if you need to stop by outside of those times please email us in advance at so that we can ensure someone is available to meet you. Emails are monitored from 09.00-17.00 Monday to Thursday and until 16.00 on Fridays; we can also arrange virtual or in-person meetings with members of the team as needed. Please email any forms which require our attention (in an editable format, if they require our signature) to
Please see below for details of services offered by the Academic Office.
Please ensure that these details are kept updated on your University student record in Student Self Service. When you update your details, please email the Academic Office so that we can also update all College records.
Your University card gives you:
- Access to the College library, laundry and the side door of the Academic Wing;
- Access to University buildings and libraries;
- The ability to make cashless purchases of food and drink in the dining hall, café, Cellar Bar and printing in the library.
If your card has been damaged or has expired, please contact the Academic Office to arrange a new card.
For lost cards, you will need to pay a replacement fee to the University Card Office. See the University Card Office section of the University website for details on the process and a link to the online store to pay the fee.
Should you need to confirm your enrolled student status during your studies, you can download an enrolment certificate from Student Self Service. This has been designed for a variety of purposes such as opening a bank account, exemption from council tax applications (for full-time students) or obtaining tourist visas. If you need to have the form certified, you should email it directly to the Academic Office and it will be returned to you generally within 2 working days.
GSO forms, or graduate progression forms, are the forms that research students complete to move through milestones on their course. If you are on a taught course (i.e. most master’s degrees), you will likely not need to submit a GSO form. These forms are processed by the Academic Office, and will either be signed by the Senior Tutor or the Academic Registrar. Forms must be emailed directly to the Academic Office in an editable format (eg word/editable PDF). Anyone listed above the College section of the form (normally you and your supervisor) should have completed their sections of the form before it is submitted to the Academic Office. If this has not happened, we will not be able to process your form.
When completed, we will email the form back to you so that you can send it to the appropriate departmental contact. Please note this may take slightly longer than our usual turnaround time so you should allow at least 3 working days.
Please note that these forms cannot be signed on demand as there are certain things we need to check against your student record. If there are any outstanding issues (e.g. overdue battels) we will be in touch to follow up.
All students are assigned a college advisor, who is a senior member of the College. Your college advisor can:
- provide pastoral support, for example on health, personal or coping issues, and/or direct you to appropriate persons for assistance;
- monitor your progress, by discussing your University supervision reports and by being available for consultation, either in person or by email;
- discuss with you any problems or difficulties you may be experiencing in your department or faculty, and/or with your supervisor;
- consult the Senior Tutor if there are concerns about your academic progress and if you appear to be experiencing difficulties with your academic work;
- offer guidance on sources of support available within the College and University.
Your college advisor may be changed during periods of sabbatical or other academic leave. Should there be reasons for you to seek a change of advisor, you should contact the Academic Registrar.
In addition, your college advisor may be able to offer you advice on academic-related matters such as applications for research funding, conferences and seminar attendance, publication and career plans.
Your college advisor is not expected to perform the role of your department or faculty supervisor(s), and is not responsible for directing your academic work or for giving detailed academic guidance.
You will first meet your college advisor during your first term, and you are encouraged to contact your college advisor as and when you need advice or help. If you are not sure who your advisor is, please contact the Academic Office.
You can contact the Academic Office if you are experiencing difficulties with your studies. You can approach:
- Your college advisor, who can be contacted via the Academic Office;
- The Student Support and Engagement Officer;
- The Academic Registrar;
- The Senior Tutor
When you have completed your programme of study, your status as a student of the University and of Wolfson College will come to an end. For taught courses, this will be once you have completed all examinations and coursework. For research courses, this will be once you receive leave to supplicate, which will either happen soon after the viva or after any corrections have been approved. When your student status ends, your student card will be cancelled, your Oxford email account will come to an end, and your accommodation contract with the College may end or your rent may change. We will be in touch upon the completion of your course to notify you that these changes will shortly be taking place. In all cases it is a good idea to begin thinking about any arrangements you will need to make before you complete your course. Please see the University’s guidance on completing your studies and finishing IT use at Oxford.
The Academic Office makes arrangements for degree days, including graduation ceremony bookings for current and past students, in-College celebrations on degree days and distribution of degree certificates (except for July ceremonies, as the University issues certificates for those ceremonies). Please see the Graduation Ceremonies page for more information.
Taught graduate students can now request on-course transcripts from the ‘My Exams’ area of Student Self Service. Research graduate students remain ineligible for transcripts (please use your enrolment certificate to confirm your course status). You will receive an email inviting you to register on the eDocuments service if you have not already done so.
Students and Alumni can also register with the University’s eDocuments service which will allow you to view online documents such as confirmation letters for proof of award details. You will also have the option to print the documents when you are logged in to the eDocuments service. Third parties are also able to apply online for verification requests. Please see the below link to the FAQ page for further details:
If you commenced your course before Michaelmas 2007, you can instead contact the Academic Office to request a transcript. Please note that we require at least three weeks’ notice to produce an official letter or transcript for historic students.
Health & Welfare
The wellbeing of our students is supported by health professionals and the College’s welfare team. All students and their families should register with a doctor (GP) as soon as possible on arrival. For confidential listening and advice students can speak to our Welfare Officers, Peer Supporters, College Nurse, College Doctor, Student Support and Engagement Officer, Academic Registrar and Senior Tutor.
Kerry Minton, the College Nurse, runs a clinic from Wolfson, which students can access by emailing her at She can provide all students with practical medical advice and support assessing and dealing with minor ailments and injuries, discussing problems and responding to medical emergencies while on duty.
If you wish to book an appointment, please contact Kerry. Please note that appointments will be held remotely on Teams in the first instance.
The services of a GP are free under the National Health Service (NHS). Dr Antony Maddison is the College Doctor, and he works with several other doctors at the Banbury Road Medical Centre. This partnership is willing to provide treatment under the NHS for members of the College and their families who live in College Accommodation or who are resident in central or North Oxford. You can register online here, and full contact details are below:
Banbury Road Medical Centre
172 Banbury Road,
Tel: 01865 515731
Damira Dental is a dental practice based at Brookes University which offers NHS Dental Care for members of the University. Further information can be found here.
If it is not an emergency, but you need urgent medical advice (or think you need to see a doctor urgently) outside working hours you can ring 111. This will go through to an NHS team of advisers who can give healthcare advice and direct you to a local service. Information may be found at
Treatment in cases of emergency can be obtained at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department ( of the John Radcliffe Hospital, Headley Way, Headington, OX3 9DU. If you are in College and require an ambulance, please notify the Lodge so that they can direct the paramedics to your location.
Several members of staff have received first aid training. Please call the Lodge for help in the first instance on 01865 274100.
If you are experiencing a welfare problem please email the Welfare Officers at and they will get back to you as soon as they can. Our Welfare Officers are trained in medical first aid, mental health and listening skills but they are not medical professionals or counsellors. The College cannot guarantee 24/7 availability and if you have an emergency, please contact the Lodge on 01865 274100.
Welfare Officers
- Rutendo Tavengerwei
- Dorcas (Chela) Tuitoek
Peer Supporters provide support within the College – if you have doubts or concerns to work through, or just need an impartial, completely confidential ear to listen, we’re here to help you out, providing an informal and friendly service.
You can email them to set up a meeting or get in touch on behalf of friends that you’re worried about.
Wolfson Peer Supporters
- Oana Diaconescu
- Amirhossein (Amir) Salehi Fashami
The role of a Harassment Adviser is to support individual members of staff and students who are concerned that they are the subject of harassment or bullying.
Learn more about the College’s Harassment Policy and Procedure.
Harassment Advisors
- Dr Imre Bangha, GBF, Associate Professor of Hindi
- Professor Annina Schmid, GBF, Associate Professor of Clinical Neurosciences
- Nicole Votruba, JRF, Senior Postdoctoral Implementation Researcher
The University’s Disability Advisory Service (DAS) provides support for students with any kind of disability, from visual, hearing, or mobility impairments, emotional impairments (such as Autism Spectrum Disorder), chronic illnesses and health conditions, and chronic mental health conditions. The Academic Registrar is the College’s Disability Coordinator and is the first point of contact for all Wolfson students enquiring about disability support at the College. For information on physical access to the Wolfson site, please see the University’s access guide to Wolfson College.