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[OxfordXML] Active Learning for Billion Scale Data

Thu, 7 Nov 2024 | 17:00 - 18:00
Levett Room
Dr Talfan Evans
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Talfan Evans is a research scientist at Google Deepmind. His work is focused on developing scalable data curation strategies for compute efficient large-scale pretraining. He has a MEng from Keble College and did his PhD at UCL in Cognitive Neuroscience, where he worked on adapting message-passing algorithms from the autonomous driving literature to explain neural activity during spatial exploration. As a postdoc with Andrew Davison at Imperial, he worked on real-time computer vision systems before moving to Deepmind.

‘Large foundation model scaling laws tell us that to continue to make additive improvements to performance, we should expect to need to pay orders of magnitude more in compute costs and data. In this talk, I’ll present work that paints a more optimistic picture – actively choosing which data to train on can shift these curves in our favour, producing significantly more performant models for the same compute budget.’

* Tea/Coffee/Cake will be provided