Information for New Students

A warm Wolfson welcome to all new students joining us for the 2024-2025 academic year! We are really looking forward to meeting you.

Prior to your arrival, it is extremely important that you read all of the information on this page very carefully as it contains important information about your time at Wolfson.

If you have any questions after reading in full, please do not hesitate to get in touch at

IMPORTANT: This page will continue to be updated throughout September so please do check back regularly!

The following items are mandatory components of your student induction. Please read the following list very carefully and ensure you complete the following:

  1. Verify your details on Student Self Service [note: this process MUST be completed in order for your registration to be finalised]
  2. For non-UK/ROI students: submit your passport photo page and BRP, online visa, or EU (pre-)settled code via the portal link if required. Front and back scans are required of BRP cards.
  3. Read all of the information on this page.
  4. Attend both the “President’s Welcome and College Induction” and “Meet your College Adviser” events which run con-currently on Wednesday 9 October from 09:15 to 11:45.
  5. Attend the online Health & Well-being Induction on Wednesday 9 October from 14:00 – 15:00.
  6. Complete the online Consent for Students course [note: this is mandatory and completion of the training is a requirement to attend New Student Welcome Dinners and Formal Dinners throughout term. Please refer to the Medical and Welfare section below for more information].
  7. Attend Matriculation on Saturday 19 October

Enrolment and University (“Bod”) Card

Once you have completed items 1 and 2 on the above list, you may visit the Academic Office to complete your registration and receive your University card (‘Bod card’).

Please note that you should allow 1 working day between uploading your visa/paasport documents and collecting your bod card to give our team sufficient time to receive and check the scans of your documents.

Please also note: 

  • An MS Teams meeting invitation to the online Health & Well being induction will be emailed to you nearer to the event.
  • Booking information for the New Student Welcome Dinners will be emailed to you separately.
  • Further information on the President’s Welcome, Meet your College Adviser event, and Matriculation, will be sent in due course.
  • We will issue your university card as part of our registration procedures. Your card will not be produced until you have returned the university contract and card form to the University Cards Office. They are very busy at this time of year so it may take some time for your card to be produced and sent to us.

The following items are optional components of your student induction:

  1. Book onto and attend a New Student Welcome Dinner (evenings of 14th October, 16th October, and 22nd October): further information to follow in due course.
  2. Induction to the Library and Library Tour. The library team will write to all new students with booking information.
  3. Participation in the Old Hands, New Faces peer mentoring scheme. A sign-up form will be circulated via email; please complete this if you would like to sign up to be assigned a current student mentor.
  4. Attend the Oxford SU’s Freshers’ Fair – the Wolfson slot is 10-11 a.m. on Thursday 10 October. The fair will take place at the Examinations Schools and you must bring your university card (‘Bod card’) to enter.
  5. Participation in social and welcome events run by the College’s Social & Cultural Committee (SCC). These will include college tours by current students, activities such as pub quizzes and games nights, and a college freshers’ fair so you can get a taste of the many exciting clubs and societies are available to you at Wolfson!

The timetable of social induction events “Wolfson Week” is available to view here and will be emailed to you by mid-September. Please note that freshers activities may be subject to change.

The Academic Office team are responsible for all aspects of student administration, from application through to graduation. The office is located on the top floor of the main quad and is staffed during working hours. You may drop in with quick questions or requests during our daily drop-in windows of 10.00 – 12.00 or 13.00 – 15.00, make an appointment to meet us outside of those times, or email us your request. Emails are monitored from 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and until 4pm on Fridays. We can also arrange phone or Teams meetings with members of the team where required. Please email any forms which require our attention (in an editable format, if they require our signature) to

Academic and Admissions Officer

The Academic and Admissions Officer is responsible for all aspects of student admissions administration and student induction.

Academic & Admissions Assistant

​The Academic and Admissions Assistant is the first point of contact for many of the day to day administration queries including University cards (‘Bod Cards’), GSO forms, enrolment certificates, graduation queries and appointments with the Senior Tutor and Academic Registrar.

Student Support & Engagement Officer: John Gardiner

The Student Support and Engagement Officer supports the Academic Registrar with matters relating to student support, particularly regarding student welfare and assessment issues.

Academic Registrar: Dan Aldred 

The Academic Registrar manages the academic office and has particular responsibility for current student administration, disability matters, examinations and funding. He is also the first point of contact for students seeking advice on academic-related welfare matters.

Senior Tutor and Dean of Welfare: Emily Eastham

The Senior Tutor has overall responsibility for all student academic administration as well as student welfare, the library and archives and the Common Room Administrator. The Academic Office team may refer you onto the Senior Tutor if they feel it would be helpful or if you query is particularly confidential or sensitive you may wish to contact her directly. If you would like to arrange a meeting with the Senior Tutor please email:

Common Room Administrator: Not strictly part of the academic office team but co-located, the Common Room Administrator provides administrative support to the College Common Room including clubs, societies and college facilities (e.g. the gym) and to the College General Meeting.

The College has a Welfare Team who students can contact for advice or guidance about where they can go for further support. The team consists of Student Welfare Officers and Peer Supporters, Harassment Advisers, College Nurse, Student Support & Engagement Officer, Academic Registrar and Dean of Welfare (Senior Tutor). More information and contact details can be found here.

The Lodge, or reception, is open for business daily from 8 am–11 pm. A night porter is on duty between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am (8 am at weekends) in case of emergencies. The Lodge’s receptionists are the first point of contact with Wolfson and the College remains open seven days a week.

You can use your enrolment certificate for:

  • Proof of student status
  • Opening a bank account
  • Obtaining a Council Tax waiver if you live out of College

You can download your enrolment certificate from your Student Self Service and email a copy to who will stamp and sign it for you and return it to you by email. We can only do this once you have officially enrolled (i.e. verified your details) and completed the required registration steps. Please note that we are not able to access your enrolment certificate for you – you will need to download and print/email it so that we can stamp and sign it.

Your University Card (or ‘Bod’ card) gives you:

  • The ability to make cashless purchases of food and drink in the dining hall, café, Cellar Bar, and printing in the library
  • Access to College library, laundry and the side door of the Academic Wing
  • Access to University buildings and libraries

If you have any problems with your University (“Bod”) Card please contact the Academic Office.

Course Fees

A fees invoice will be sent by the College Academic Fees Office via email in early September. All students are required to pay or arrange for their funding provider to pay the annual course fees in full before the start of each academic year.

Students may arrange for their studies to be funded or part-funded by grants, sponsorship, awards, loans or other funding, but they are still individually liable for their fees and living expenses and for ensuring that all of the costs of their studies are paid in full and by the due date. Please note that failure to pay course fees will result in the University suspending the student for non-payment of fees.

Fees may be paid using your own internet banking facilities or using Transfermate.

Payment of all fees should be made to ‘Wolfson College, Oxford’. Please be aware that bank transactions can take up to two weeks to clear the banking system, so you must make your payment early enough to allow sufficient time for your payment to reach the College bank account and to be identified in time to meet the payment deadline. Please quote your College student number on your fees payment.

If a student starts in Hilary or Trinity term, then the first year’s fees will be due before the start of term that enrolment commences. In subsequent years fees will be due before the start of the normal academic year.

For queries about how to pay your fees, contact the College Academic Fees Office at:

Course fees are charged each academic year until fee liability has ended and are collected by the College on behalf of the University.

You can find more information on fees for each individual course on the University’s Fees and Funding pages, along with information on fee liability.

If, after having read these pages, you are unsure about your fees or fee status please contact the University Fees Clerk at

College ‘Battels’ Account

College members have an account with the College known as ‘Battels’ where all personal costs incurred at Wolfson are added to a running total. Each month, Battels bills including accommodation and other items are emailed to each member, and must be paid by the due date specified on the Battels statement. Find out more about Battels.

A guide to topping up your Battels account is available here.

Lunch and dinner are served in Hall every day from Monday to Friday, and brunch (rightly famous) is served on Saturday mornings. More elaborate ‘Formal Halls’ and ‘Guest Nights’ take place throughout termtime, where Wolfsonians and their guests enjoy served, multi-course meals, sometimes with wine pairings from the College cellars. More information is available here.

A guide to Catering at Wolfson for new students is available here.

Every student is assigned a college adviser who will be an additional point of contact in College for any academic-related issues and/or welfare concerns you may have. The College aims to match students with college advisers from the same division but not the same department. Occasionally matches will be made outside your division where advisers have expressed an interest in advising students from other areas.

College advisers are not there to answer questions specifically related to your course or to provide feedback on your work (your department will provide this support) but rather as a generic source of guidance and support.

Whilst we will try to keep you with the same advisor throughout your studies this isn’t always possible. More information about the College adviser scheme can be found here.

Please see the documents below for details on registering with the College Doctor (GP, or General Practitioner), immunisations, medical assistance and student health and safety.

We would strongly advise registering with the College’s GP (Banbury Road Medical Practice) so that you have easy access to medical professionals that understand how Oxford and its colleges operate. It will be easier for you to acquire medical documentation from the College GP, i.e. a medical certificate, if this should be required at some point during your course.

Our College Nurse is able to assist you with registration and can be contacted via

The College also has an understanding and supportive Welfare Team who students can contact for advice or guidance about where they can go for further support. The team consists of Student Welfare Officers and Student Peer Supporter Volunteers, Harassment Advisers, College Nurse, Student Support & Engagement Officer, Academic Registrar and Dean of Welfare (Senior Tutor). More information and contact details can be found here.

Consent for Students

Consent for Students is a free online, interactive consent programme for all students and staff at the University of Oxford. Completion of this online course is mandatory*, and evidence of completion is required in order for you to attend a formal dinner at Wolfson. The course can be accessed once you have received your Single Sign On (SSO) credentials, via this webpage:

 *Please note that if you have lived experience of the issues covered in the training, and do not wish to complete the course, you can confidentially notify; you will not be asked for any further information, and we will ensure you are exempt from completing the course.

Wolfson has many different sports clubs and societies and there are fitness classes throughout the week for members to participate in. Find out more about our sports facilities here.

Wolfson is working on reducing its environmental impact by promoting positive ways in which students and staff can participate. Find out more about our award-winning decarbonisation project and getting involved with the Green Team.

The Green Team has put together a document outlining the environmental responsibilities of College members.