Oxford Dates of Term

Please see below for electronic format files with Oxford Dates of Term. These have a series of one-week long events, called, for example, “5th Week, Trinity Term”:

These files are provided on an “as is” basis by the IT Team at Wolfson College who cannot provide support for installing or removing the calendars. The script that generates them is available on request. It makes extensive use of the Perl module Oxford::Calendar which does all the hard work – its  maintainers deserve many thanks! If you spot any problems in the data, please see the IT Support pages of this website.

We hope these files prove useful throughout the University, but please note that they are maintained only to the extent that they are useful for the College’s requirements. Further, these files are an unofficial source of the term dates, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy no liability is accepted for any inconvenience or loss arising from their use. By regulation, term dates are published in the University Gazette; they are also available on the University’s website.