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Associate Professor. Postgraduate Japanese Studies coordiantor

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Marcos Centeno teaches Film and Japanese Studies at the University of Valencia. Before that, Centeno had been Japanese Studies Programme director at Birkbeck, University of London, after working as a lecturer for the Department of Japan and Korea at SOAS, University of London, where he coordinated the MA Global Cinemas and the Transcultural. He is currently on research leave to carry out the project “Representing the Ainu in European Collections: Images, Artefacts and Texts in the UK”, José Castillejo Grany Ref. CAS22/00276. by Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.
Centeno is also PI for TRAMEVIC: Transnational War-time Memories in East Asian Visual Culture funded by Generalitat Valenciana. His projects on Japanese documentary film and transnational cinema have received grants from institutions such as Yale University, Sasakawa Foundation, the Japan Foundation, Daiwa foundations and Monbusho (Japanese Ministry of Education). His film Ainu. Pathways to Memory (2014) on the visual representation of the Ainu people, made during her doctoral studies as an associate researcher at the International Institute for Education and Research in Theater and Film Arts at Waseda University, Tokyo, received several prize from international film festivals and other institutions.

Research Interests
Japanese documentary film, representation of Ainu people, memory and transnationality.