
Wolfson offers a choice of graduate accommodation including single, double and family units, primarily situated in or around the College. Scroll down for a detailed breakdown of the options available.

For more information on living in Wolfson College, you can view the Accommodation Handbook here.

Please visit this page for short stay Guest Room/Guest Suite information.

accommodation ballot 2025/26

The ballot results for accommodation for the 2025/26 academic year (current students) are now viewable via the links below.
Single Accommodation
Couple Accommodation
Family Accommodation

The ballot group you are placed in corresponds to the number of previous months of accommodation in College.


The College aims to provide accommodation to as many first-year students as possible, whether they’re single graduates or those have partners and/or families. However, please note that accommodation is limited and demand exceeds supply, so unfortunately we cannot guarantee to fulfil every application.

It is recommended that you apply for accommodation as soon as possible, even if you are awaiting funding confirmation. If, at a later stage, you find that you are unable to obtain the necessary funding, you can let the Accommodation Office know and your application can be withdrawn.

We will notify you of the outcome of your application as soon as we can. Most students who apply early should hear from May onwards. All students who are not offered accommodation at this point will be kept on a waiting list. This process will continue throughout the summer until all accommodation has been allocated. If you are unsuccessful in obtaining Wolfson accommodation, we will contact you with alternative ways to look for accommodation.

  • First-year students can apply for accommodation from 1 October to 14 September depending on availability.
  • Some accommodation is only available to 30 June each year. Every effort is made to find alternative accommodation for those who need it, but this cannot be guaranteed.
  • If you are on a 2 or 3 year course, you can apply in the Accommodation Ballot which is held in January/February each year.

For more information on the order of priority for the allocation of accommodation, click here.

Information for the annual Accommodation Ballot will be emailed to all eligible Members during January each year. Current Graduate Students, Junior Research Fellows and Research Fellows are entitled to enter the ballot.

  • Priority is given to applicants who wish to be allocated accommodation for the entire year.
  • In exceptional circumstances the College allows members a higher priority in the ballot system. Click here for further information on the Order of Priority. If you feel you qualify for exceptional circumstances, please highlight this on your application form and we will try to accommodate you.
  • If you are currently on a one year course, you are not eligible for the Ballot and should apply for a Summer Extension.
  • If your current course is ending and you plan to commence a new course in the next academic year, you are not eligible for the Ballot and should instead apply for accommodation via the links sent with your course offer.
  • Once the Ballot entry period has closed, accommodation is allocated in order of the number of months previously spent living in College accommodation (from lowest to highest). Unsuccessful applicants will automatically form a waitlist and be contacted in order should any rooms become available afterwards.

The majority of current residents in College accommodation are allocated accommodation until 30th June or 14th September. (Tenancies for single en-suite accommodation in B Block, the Catherine Marriott Building and M Block accommodation finish on 30th June).

If you are a current resident and would like to stay during the Summer, beyond the end of your tenancy, please apply for a Summer Extension. NB do not apply through the ballot process; this is for accommodation from September/October only.

We cannot always guarantee accommodation for the entire summer. The link for Summer Extension Applications will be circulated in January to all eligible residents, and you will hear an outcome before March.

If you originally planned to move out earlier than 30th June or 31st July but now wish to stay longer, please contact the Accommodation Office promptly on

If you wish to vacate your accommodation before the date stated on your agreement, you must give two calendar months’ notice in writing via email to the Accommodation Office.  Your original agreement will stand for ballot purposes.

All residents who live on site are required to rent a garage space. Those who live in surrounding properties can park on the grounds but must display the relevant permit.

All keys are available from the Lodge Porter from 12 noon on your arrival date.

You will receive an accommodation license electronically before you arrive. Please make sure you sign your license before you attempt to collect your key.

All rooms must be vacated by 12 noon on the date shown on your license.

Fire Safety

All residents should log in to the University’s training site here to familiarise themselves with the Fire Safety Regulations.

We expect you to follow our fire safety rules, which include:

  • Evacuating the building and heading for the nearest fire assembly point during a fire alarm activation
  • Ensuring you keep your kitchen door closed when cooking
  • Not using candles within your accommodation
  • Not tampering with any of the portable firefighting appliances

Details about the College’s fire safety expectations and rules can be found here, and a map of the fire assembly points around site here.

Please note that fire alarms are tested every Monday from 10am. If your alarm sounds for more than 15 seconds during this period, please vacate the building and head to your nearest assembly point to await further instruction.

Accommodation Map

x C block exterior with harbour

Main Buildings (B and C Blocks)

Single, couple and family accommodation available

x Robin Gandy building exterior

Robin Gandy Buildings

Single accommodation available

x M Block

M Block

Single and couple accommodation available


Catherine Marriott Building

Single and couple accommodation available

x Wolfson Annex

The Annex

Single accommodation available


14 Chadlington Road

Single accommodation available


21 Linton Road

Single and couple accommodation available


23 Linton Road

Single accommodation available


25 Linton Road

Single and family accommodation available


16 Chadlington Road

Couples accommodation available

x 31 Linton Road

31 Linton Road

Couples accommodation available


Garford House

Family accommodation available

x F Block family accommodation

F, G & H Blocks

Family accommodation available

x E Block

E Block

Family accommodation available

C block exterior with harbour

Main Buildings (B and C Blocks)

Single, couple and family accommodation available

Robin Gandy building exterior

Robin Gandy Buildings

Single accommodation available

M Block

M Block

Single and couple accommodation available

Catherine Marriott Building

Single and couple accommodation available

Wolfson Annex

The Annex

Single accommodation available

14 Chadlington Road

Single accommodation available

21 Linton Road

Single and couple accommodation available

23 Linton Road

Single accommodation available

25 Linton Road

Single and family accommodation available

16 Chadlington Road

Couples accommodation available

31 Linton Road

31 Linton Road

Couples accommodation available

Garford House

Family accommodation available

F Block family accommodation

F, G & H Blocks

Family accommodation available

E Block

E Block

Family accommodation available

Accommodation Types

Please click on the links below to explore the various accommodation options available.

Single accommodation

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Couples Accommodation

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Family Accommodation

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Our Accommodation Standards

Wolfson College is signed up to the Student Accommodation Code, and our accommodation has been assessed by independent auditors to meet its strict standards.

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The Current Rents and Miscellaneous Charges can be found below. The rent includes electricity, heating, water and internet charges. 

Graduate Student Current Rents 1 August 2024 – 31 July 2025 

Visiting Scholars and Others Rents 1 August 2024 – 31 July 2025

Miscellaneous Rents and Charges August 2024

Accommodation handbook

To read the Accommodation Handbook, which contains comprehensive information for residents of the College, click here.

Artur Ekert

In my academic life I am a crypto-physicist, that is, a cryptologist and a physicist at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford. My main research interest is information processing in quantum mechanical systems. It is a cross-disciplinary field bringing together theoretical and experimental quantum physics, mathematics, logic, computer science and information theory. My work is mostly theoretical but its results bear directly on issues of experimental implementation. Outside academia I am addicted to all kind of water sports, general aviation, and I am partial to South African wine.

Dame Kay Davies

Kay Davies was an undergraduate at Somerville College and a Junior Research Fellow at Wolfson College, Oxford. She was a Fellow of Green College 1989-95. She was elected Professor of Genetics in 1995 and a Fellow of Keble College. In 1998, she was elected as Dr Lee’s Professor of Anatomy at the University of Oxford in the Department of Physiology Anatomy and Genetics. She was Head of Department from 2008 to 2011 and Associate Head of Division for Development Impact and Equality in the Medical Sciences Division at Oxford 2011-21.  She is currently Dr Lee’s Professor of Anatomy Emeritus and co-director of the MDUK Oxford Neuromuscular Centre.

Her research interests lie in the molecular analysis of human genetic disease, particularly the genetic basis of neuromuscular and neurological disorders. She first became interested in muscular dystrophy more than 30 years ago and many of her research group are dedicated to finding an effective treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. She has considerable experience of biotechnology companies as a conduit for translating the results of experimental science into new therapeutics and diagnostics. She is co-founder of Summit Therapeutics and Oxstem.

In 1999, she set up the MRC Functional Genomics Unit aimed at exploiting genome information for the analysis of the function of genes in the nervous system. In 2000, she co-founded the Oxford Centre of Gene Function with Professors Ashcroft (Physiology) and Donnelly (Statistics) to bring together genetics, physiology and bioinformatics in a new multidisciplinary building which was completed in 2003.

She has an active interest in the ethical implications of her research and in the public understanding of science. She is a founding editor of “Human Molecular Genetics” and a founding fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society and a Member of the European Molecular Biology Organization (HUGO). She has been a Governor of the Wellcome Trust since 2008 and became Deputy Chairman in October 2013. She was made Dame Commander of the British Empire for services to science in 2008.

Equal Opportunities Policies

The College welcomes diversity amongst its fellows, students, staff, members of common room, and visitors, recognising the particular contributions to the achievement of its educational purposes that can be made by individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.

In relation to staff, the policy and practice of the College require that all the staff are afforded equal opportunities within employment and that entry into employment with the College and the progression within employment will be determined only by personal merit and the application of criteria which are related to the duties of each particular post and the relevant salary structure. In all cases, ability to perform the job is the primary consideration. Subject to statutory provisions, no applicant or member of staff will be treated less favourably than another because of his or her sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, racial group, religion or disability.

In relation to students the College aims to provide education of excellent quality at postgraduate level for able students, whatever their background. In pursuit of this aim, the College is committed to using its best endeavours to ensure that all of its activities are governed by principles of equality of opportunity, and that all students are helped to achieve their full academic potential.

This statement applies to recruitment and admissions, to the curriculum, teaching and assessment, to welfare and support services, and to staff development and training, as far as the College takes the lead in these matters and when it does not it will act in its support capacity to its best endeavour.

The College espouses the University Equal Opportunities Policy. This policy statement is supported by equal opportunities policies and codes of practice for staff and students, the collegiate University’s code of practice on harassment, and the College’s race equality policy.

Single Equality Scheme

The Single Equality Scheme provides relevant equality information and statistics as well as setting out a framework for how the College will work to promote equality and diversity both among its members and other people involved with the College. A document containing the results of the latest staff equality survey is available here.

Published by The Bursar, Wolfson College, Oxford, OX2 6UD; May 2002 document reference: EC.02.03 Revised and approved by the GB 12/6/02

Day Nursery

The Wolfson College Day Nursery is based within the College grounds in North Oxford. It aims to provide a safe and stimulating educational environment in which children aged 6 weeks to 5 years can develop their knowledge and skills at their own pace. We aspire to produce happy, well-adjusted and confident children by working in close partnership with parents.

Our Aims and Objectives

The Nursery believes in creating a ‘home away from home’ for children and families. We believe that by providing children with an environment where they feel safe, secure and supported they will be confident enough to explore the world around them and learn naturally through this exploration. We acknowledge the critical importance of children, parents and staff as partners in a learning community that promotes the wellbeing, education and development of all children. We encourage family and parent participation and believe this is a key part of running a successful childcare program. Play is an important part of a child’s development. Through play children learn about the world around them and it is, therefore, important to understand how valuable toys and play are in the development of the child.30

Oxfordshire provides a choice of daycare nurseries, but few can offer an environment nestled between Summertown and the city centre, in the heart of a peaceful College environment.

By adopting the key-person system, we ensure consistency of care for the child and a two-way partnership between parents and carer to establish close links between home and nursery.

The day nursery provides:

The Nursery prides itself on being self-reflective and working alongside educators and parents to create a ‘Continuous Improvement Plan’. This plan is reviewed quarterly and updated where applicable. It allows the nursery practices to stay relevant and developing to coincide with industry developments and any regulation or legislation changes.

The Day Nursery Handbook is available to download here.

Our 2023-24 policies are available for download here.

The Wolfson College Nursery is a registered carer and all staff are required to undergo thorough DBS checks. The Nursery is subject to inspection by OFSTED (Office for Standards in Education), a Fire Safety Officer, and by Environmental Health Inspectors. We are proud of the Nursery’s excellent record and good reports resulting from these inspections.

Click here for the results of our most recent OFSTED inspection.

Crocuses outside the Nursery

Hours of Operation

The full Nursery day runs from 08.30-17.30. Mornings are from 08.30-13.00 and afternoons from 13.00-17.00.

The Nursery is open for 49 weeks a year excluding all UK Bank Holidays and College Closures; the Nursery has an additional closure for 2 weeks in August (closure dates on request).


The Nursery operates a waiting list; priority is given to members of Wolfson College, although others are welcome. To apply for a place, applicants should complete the application form and return it to the Nursery Manager either by post or email.

On receipt of the application form the child will be placed on the Nursery’s waiting list. At intervals the Nursery will contact you to update your details and to keep you up-to-date with the status of your application – if no response is received the child’s name will be removed from the waiting list.

Successful applicants will be formally offered the Nursery place in writing detailing the type of place offered and the formal start date.


Fee information is provided on application. A 10% sibling discount is available. The discount will be set against the older child’s fees as long as both children remain in the Nursery; the discount will be shown as a deduction on the fees invoice.

Fees are invoiced in advance and in calendar months. Fees will not be charged for UK Bank Holidays, Nursery and College closures.


The Nursery accepts vouchers as payment or part-payment of Nursery fees; parents should note that voucher payments will not be shown as a deduction on fees invoices and it remains the responsibility of the parent(s) to ensure that Nursery fees are paid in full by the due dates.

Salary Sacrifice

The scheme is available to parent(s) who are employed at Oxford University. For more details about the scheme visit the Oxford University Salary Sacrifice Scheme website.  The Nursery fees will be calculated from the month that the child joins the Nursery up to the end of the Nursery’s financial year (July) and divided into equal monthly payments.

Early Years Funding

The Nursery participates in the government-funded scheme to provide subsidised child care; parent(s) are entitled to claim up to 15 hours per week over 38 weeks per year.  Remaining hours and weeks that are not covered by the funding will be charged at the Nursery’s current fees rate. For more details about the scheme please contact the Oxfordshire early years funding team.

Contact us

For more information on Wolfson Day Nursery, please get in touch with the nursery manager:


Telephone: +44 (0)1865 274085

Wolfson Fellow Harish Bhaskaran develops first-of-its-kind AI Technology

Wolfson College Supernumerary Fellow Harish Bhaskaran is leading a team of scientists from across Europe to develop game-changing hardware that can accelerate the data processing and efficiency of AI tasks beyond anything we know today.

Recent strides in artificial intelligence over the last few years have required processing power to double every 3.5 months, which is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain with conventional computer chips. In response, Professor Bhaskaran’s team is developing a first-of-its-kind technology that uses light to process 3D data at exceptional speed. The advances made by Professor Bhaskaran and his team have the potential to provide a 10,000% increase in energy efficiency and computer density.

The results achieved by Professor Bhaskaran’s team come at a crucial juncture for AI research, with the UK Government’s first AI Safety Summit taking place next week. “This is an exciting time to be doing research in AI hardware at the fundamental scale,” Professor Bhaskaran said. “This work is one example of how we can push the boundaries of what we thought was possible.”

Wolfson’s research community maintains strong interests in AI and revolutionary computer technologies. The College hosts Research Clusters in Cross-Disciplinary Machine Learning (XML) and Quantum Foundations, and the Quantum Hub.

Wolfson Student Uncovers What Drives Extinction

Wolfson College has a proud record when it comes to addressing the climate crisis, both in successfully eliminating our carbon emissions and in the ongoing work of our graduates and Fellows. Third-year Wolfson doctoral student Cooper Malanoski has been continuing this long tradition with the publication of new research into historic drivers behind mass extinction events. His work has the potential to help identify at-risk species and target conservation efforts in the present day.

An artist's impression of a coral reef in the late Triassic, before and after an extinction event. The left-hand side shows a vibrant, colourful scene with clear seas populated by a wide variety of wildlife; the left-hand side shows dark, clouded water with bleached corals and a single nautilus creature.

An artist’s impression of a coral reef in the late Triassic, before and after an extinction event. Credit: Maija Karala.

The Earth has experienced five mass extinction events in the past 450 million years. The most recent led to the end of the dinosaurs, which vanished from the fossil record a mere 66 million years ago. It’s no secret that changes in the climate can have an adverse effect on biodiversity, but until now it has been unclear what factors make a species more or less resilient to such changes. With human activity now warming the planet at an unprecedented rate, it’s important to identify which species are most at risk.

Cooper and fellow researcher Professor Erin Saupe studied over 290,000 fossil records spanning the past 485 million years for marine invertebrates. From these records, they were able to collate a dataset of traits that affect resilience to extinction. They found that species that are exposed to temperature changes of more than 7˚C, inhabit climate extremes or will only live in a narrow range of temperatures are disproportionately vulnerable. These species, particularly when occupying confined areas, had a higher likelihood of extinction.

“Our paper, recently published in Science, suggests that global biodiversity could face a harrowing future, given projected climate change estimates. In particular, our study revealed that geographic range size was the strongest predictor of extinction risk for marine invertebrates, but that the magnitude of climate change is also an important predictor of extinction. Therefore, if the localized climate change is large enough, it could lead to significant extinction globally, potentially pushing us closer to a sixth mass extinction.”

– Cooper Malanoski

With anthropogenic climate change already pushing many species to the brink of extinction, these results could help identify those most at risk and inform strategies to protect them. “Without immediate and targeted conservation efforts,” warns Malanoski, “we risk moving toward a sixth mass extinction event. So our work provides a pivotal call to action.”

Cooper Malanoski is in the third year of DPhil study at Wolfson, which is funded by a Clarendon Fellowship. His research focuses on the influence of climate on evolutionary dynamics and using fossils to study biogeographic distributions through the Phanerozoic. His work seeks to better understand the complex interplay between biotic and abiotic factors, such as geographic distribution and climate variations, in driving extinctions on macroevolutionary timescales.

Read Cooper’s article in The Conversation here.

Wolfson Research Fellow Leads Research into Groundbreaking Malaria Vaccine

Wolfson College is proud to celebrate the pioneering work of Research Fellow Professor Angela Minassian, who has played a pivotal role in the development of a promising new vaccine against blood-stage malaria.

Malaria, caused by Plasmodium falciparum parasites, is a leading cause of death in children under five in many parts of Africa. Blood-stage malaria – when the parasite infects red blood cells – causes symptoms of the disease like fever and chills, and can lead to severe, life-threatening complications like anaemia and organ failure.

A recent study, run by scientists from the University of Oxford in collaboration with international partners has demonstrated that the RH5.1/Matrix-MTM vaccine, is both well-tolerated and highly effective in combatting blood-stage malaria. The results, published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, showed the vaccine was well tolerated with no safety concerns. Children who received the vaccine developed high levels of antibodies against the parasite.

This research represents a major leap forward in the global effort to combat this devastating disease. Unlike existing vaccines that primarily target the early liver stage of malaria, the RH5.1/Matrix-MTM vaccine focuses on the blood-stage of the parasite’s life cycle, offering a novel and complementary approach to disease prevention.

Professor Angela Minassian, is an infectious diseases physician and Associate Professor in The Department of Biochemistry who leads the clinical blood-stage malaria vaccine programme. Speaking on the groundbreaking research she said:

‘Our goal, by targeting the blood-stage of the disease with this vaccine, is to significantly reduce the number of severe cases and deaths. The current licensed vaccines, R21/Matrix-MTM and RTS,S/AS01, target the liver-stage of the parasite and are very effective at stopping parasites from getting into the blood. However, if they fail and parasites slip through the net, disease will develop as these approved vaccines have no activity against malaria in the blood. Adding RH5.1/Matrix-MTM to these licensed vaccines should provide a vital second line of defence, achieving even higher levels of protection. Importantly, our study has provided the first real-world data to show that this type of vaccine works by reducing the level of parasites in the blood.’

Professor Minassian’s research reflects Wolfson College’s commitment to addressing global challenges through innovation and collaboration. The College congratulates her and the entire team on this landmark achievement and looks forward to the next stages of this vital work.

Wolfson GBF publishes research on racial discrimination on social media

Social-media interactions have become increasingly central in modern life. According to some estimates, about 60% of people across the world use social media, with the typical user spending around 2.5hrs per day on these platforms. In the United States, nationally representative surveys have found that although only 5% of adults used social media in 2005, the number had grown to 70% by 2019.

Do racial minorities face discrimination when attempting to build ties on social media? That is, do they face unique disadvantages in this domain that are not faced by members of the majority ethnic group? There is relatively little research into these questions despite the increasing importance of social media in daily life.

Wolfson GBF, Mohsen Mosleh, alongside co-authors from Northwestern University and University of Illinois, this month published a paper examining whether racial minorities face discrimination when attempting to build ties on social media. The results demonstrated that, at least in terms of building connections on social media, liberals and conservatives don’t differ in racial discrimination.

To read the press release about the study, click here.