Casual Meal Checker
Hours of work
Wolfson College is seeking casual staff¸ in the Catering Department to help on the till in order to check meals, scanning ID cards if necessary, selecting correct sales options, inputting correct transactions and confirming the total amount to be charged.
Training will be provided. Work will be offered as required
Each shift starts 15 minutes before the till is open. The shifts are from 11.45am to 2pm Monday to Friday, 5.30pm – 7.30pm Monday to Friday and 9.15am – 11.30am on Saturday.
For further details and information how to apply please see the applications documents below.
Suitable candidates will be interviewed as soon as possible.
Wolfson College is committed to equality of opportunity and values the diversity of all its workforce, students and other members of the College. We would be grateful if you could complete and return a recruitment monitoring form together with your application:. The form is not part of the recruitment and selection process and is not shared with anyone outside of the HR Department.